Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Beautiful Surprise

When I first saw his message come across my notification I didn't know what to think. He was someone who I knew from my childhood and went to high school with. He was someone who I always thought was cute but I never cross that line for fear that I would be rejected, See he was in the "IN CROWD" and even tho I could have been I decide not to. So when I saw his message and he was saying hello i responded with my own hello.
 If only i knew how that hello would change my life. He is the most wonderful man I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He is everything I have ever wanted in a man wait let me clear that up A GROWN MAN because that is just what he is.  
This man cooks for me, he sing for me, we share an emotional bond like know other. This man prays with me and for me. He makes sure I am taking care of. Where has this man been all my life? why am I just finding or him finding me in our forty? Lord knows I could have use him in my early days. I guess what they say is true God saves the Best for LAST.. what ever the case is I am just happy he is in my life now and I pray he stays..
So with that being said  he is a beautiful Surprise and I couldn't be happier.. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Living Life Without Walls

My life is a storybook at its best. I have been hurt more then I would like to share but its time I share the things I go through.  I have the biggest heart in Texas and I will give you my lasted if you needed it. I am a team player and will do what ever I need to do to get the job done. I enjoy life to the fullest so why have I been hurt? Well lets see people don't see life like I do. I mean I am one of those people who see beyond people faults.  I see the good in everybody until you show me other wises. My family is the worst they are very judgmental and unforgiving they will use anything to hold you down or to put you down.
I try so hard to bring my family together so we can ask like a real family but I have fail miserably at that task. You can't bring people together if they dont want to be come together and that was a very hard pill to swallow for me. I enjoy the bond of a family but never had one of my own from my family. So to say I have been hurt is a true fact. I stay to my self and don't indulge with any of my family member expect a hand few. But now that I am older I am living my life without walls. I am finally happy and free.